Our Mission

The Musical Theatre Writing Collective is committed to providing community, education, and support to any and all who write for the musical theatre or who otherwise collaborate in the creation and development of musical theatre. Our membership is open to those who write book, music, and lyrics, but also beyond those professions to our collaborating partners in performance, direction, design, and production.

Our initiatives and programs are aimed at providing education and supportive community to all musical theatre creators with an aim at promoting access, equity, and inclusion to historically underrepresented voices in the musical theatre.


Our Values

Storytellers are at the heart of musical theatre. In order for more stories - and especially more diverse stories - to be told, education, resources, community, and support must be available to all who desire access.

The Musical Theatre Writing Collective holds a bold vision for the future of the industry, one which includes:

  • A more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible, musical theatre industry across all intersections of race, sexual orientation, physical and intellectual ability, age, nationality, appearance, and gender identity and expression.

  • Greater and more accessible connection across all facets of the creative and production professions.

  • Safe, affirmative, and supportive space for all in which to learn, create, and develop new work.

  • Greater access to development and production paths, while diminishing the financial and other burdens on creatives.

  • Partnership within the industry across the major organizations who share a common vision for the future.

  • A community space in which collaboration is central on both small and large scales.

  • Transparency in information and education with no gates kept or barriers to entry.

  • A community of musical theatre writers and creators who come together as a collective of artists to shape the musical theatre industry of tomorrow.


Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the Musical Theatre Writing Collective was formed on the traditional and unceded territory of the Munsee Lanape and Canarsie People.