Trade Overwhelm & Gatekeeping for Access and a Supportive Community
The Musical Theatre Writing Collective
Musical Writers & Creators - Welcome Home!
The Musical Theatre Writing Collective is an accessible, international, and supportive community membership built by writers and creators, for writers and creators.
Mission and Values
The Musical Theatre Writing Collective is built upon the idea that anyone who writes or wants to write for the musical theatre - or who creatively collaborates with those writers - should have access to a welcoming, affirmative, guided, and supportive community and learning environment in which to continuously learn, grow, create, produce and connect as artists and individuals.
To be a part of this community, there is no audition or lengthy application. You don’t need a big resume, a current writing project, or to have even (yet) written a note or word of musical theatre. You don’t even need to be a writer! All musical theatre creators belong here.
I personally extend to you the warmest and heartiest of welcomes, and look forward to meeting each and every one of you!
“What a dream space and community for musical theatre writers!” - Amy Andrews
The BIG “I Want”
You want to:
Take the stories that you want to tell
Spin them into great musicals that people fall in love with
And get them seen, heard, and produced on your biggest ideal stage
…whether that’s on Broadway, the West End, or anywhere else you desire!
But, like most writers, you are likely not sure how you’re going to get there.
Do any of these sound like you?
Perhaps you have some of the necessary skills, but are looking at all the other skills that you don’t yet have, and aren’t sure how or where to acquire them.
Perhaps you have a decent amount of knowledge in one area - for instance, songwriting - but realize you also need to know about the many other areas like story crafting, libretto writing, and character development specifically for musical theatre.
Perhaps you feel confident in the writing and planning stages of creating a new musical, but have zero clue how to develop it into the quality you’re longing for that matches your taste level.
Or perhaps you don’t know much about production or publishing and licensing, and aren’t sure where to turn.
Perhaps you’re just starting out with an idea - completely new to this world of musical theatre creation - and don’t know where or how to begin.
Does any of this resonate?
How would it feel instead…
To know you have everything you need to make your musicals - from idea to end-point - and know where to find that information?
To have guided steps and possibilities already laid out for you so you can know what's right for you and your show?
To feel supported in community as you create new, sustainable, and ever-evolving creativity and habits?
To have everything you need to overcome blocks and overwhelm as you make your dreams about your shows a reality?
It is incredibly difficult to find everything you need to know in order to make quality, new musical theatre. Let alone to learn it all…and by yourself.
Information on this is scarce and scattered, and online searches only bring up a handful of resources and options. Likely, that’s how you found me in the first place. And I’m so glad you did!
The two major issues facing aspiring and emerging musical theatre writers: Overwhelm & Access.
Let me know if any of these thoughts have crossed your mind:
“I want to write this musical, but I don't even know if it's possible!”
“I have no idea what the next steps are to get my show seen and heard.”
“I can't seem to make my writing a habit and make it stick.”
“I'm so tired of feeling and doing this alone.”
“I don’t know what to do next. There's too much information to dig through!”
“I'm sick of not chasing after this dream. I want to be creating more and procrastinating less!”
It can be overwhelming to have a dream, and yet feel like you have no idea how to attain it.
Or to begin searching for the resources you’re looking for, only to find how much digging around it takes to get that piece of information you need.
Or to be presented with a whole bunch of information, and have no idea what’s most useful to you and your show at that moment.
But that one can only happen if you have Access to that information…
Much of this information is only taught in a couple of places, which are generally gate-kept by things like:
Applications and Auditions
Exorbitant prices
Pay to Play models
Even then, these places and programs tend to present their information and resources in a “cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all” approach.
And that’s just not realistic.
My friends, your shows are unique. You are unique. Your talents and skills are unique. Your blocks and problems are also unique.
So, why try to apply someone else's rules or methods to your dreams and goals?
There can't be just one way of doing things that works for everyone, so why spend your hard-earned money, time, effort and energy on something that you know doesn’t work for every creator and every musical?
And in a way that puts all the pressure and responsibility on you alone?
I believe that we can do better for ourselves, our musicals, and our musical theatre community.
Our Major Needs
When I went through the process of learning how to write musical theatre, it mostly came down to two major components:
Finding out what to do.
Trying it out…a lot.
2010: Feeling totally lost.
Earlier that year I had graduated from college having written my first full-length original musical - after attempting one adaptation before that - and I knew I wanted to write for musical theatre, but where and how? I didn’t know who was teaching these skills, and I needed to find other people who were asking the same questions I was asking.
2013: My people, for now.
This fall I was lucky enough to be chosen as an auditor of the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop - one of the only musical theatre writing educational institutions on the East Coast. Of course I learned a great deal during this year, but my biggest takeaway was having some of the closest, most trusted life-long friends and collaborators I could have imagined. Community!
2014: Twice as many.
The following fall I was accepted into the course as a Lyricist, which meant I was now lucky enough to have doubled my network of friends and writers. At least for the next two years.
2016: Where is everyone?
But the big problem came when my time at BMI was over in 2016. I was not accepted into the Advanced Workshop, which left me without a regular community of fellow writers to talk to, ask questions of, get feedback from, give feedback to, or simply gather with. My close friends from the classes still gathered of course, but where was the larger community? Why don’t we have a space? And I quickly found that I wasn’t the only one asking these questions.
2020: Two unexpected lessons.
The shut down changed the world both for the better and worse in many ways, and I learned two very important lessons during this time: 1) Online communal gathering across the world is completely viable and can be wonderful, and 2) There are better ways to gather and curate communities that are useful, constructive, and supportive (thank you, The Spark File!).
The Present: And so, we gather.
A warm and welcoming community of musical theatre writers and all of their collaborators has been a dream for over a decade, and I finally decided to take steps toward creating it. Because we need it, and we need it to come without ego, competition, or kept gates. The Musical Theatre Writing Collective is a place for all who subscribe to the ideas of support, affirmation, and community as we continuously learn, connect, and develop our work and ourselves.
Meet your Musical Theatre Writing Guide
You may be wondering: “Who is Michael Radi?”
In addition to being a musical theatre composer, lyricist, librettist, performer, vocal coach, educator, musical director, content creator, and Founder of the MTWC, I am a firm believer in constant growth and life-long education. Formally, I was trained in musical theatre writing through the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop, which was a transformational experience at that time and provided a solid foundation for my knowledge, exploration, and growth.
My informal training, however, has been extensive and includes such experiences as having worked for Pasek and Paul, classes in text analysis, composition, orchestration, and history, practical experience writing many musicals and being produced multiple times, hands-on analysis as a performer, musical director, and vocal coach, as well as a continued practice of self-directed learning through books, seminars, and masterclasses.
Professionally, I’ve seen my work performed in venues across NYC including the Gershwin Theater and Feinstein’s/54 Below, as well as three productions, including two premiere productions at the Bristol Valley Theater - The King’s Legacy in 2019 and ‘S Wonderful: An Evening With George Gershwin in 2021. I’ve worked with an incredible array of artists, including such wonderful human beings as: Jackie Burns, Teal Wicks, Libby Servais, Betsy Struxness, Paul Staroba, and Jen Wineman, just to name a few.
From all of my artistic experiences, I have formed a set of beliefs that I feel helps all artists to create their most extraordinary work, and forms an environment that cultivates that work to become the best it can be.
These beliefs are the foundation of my coaching and educational practices: 1) The more information you have available to you, the greater your chance of success, 2) Community and support cannot be overvalued in the success formula, and 3) Every person, situation, and day are unique, and all constructive feedback should be individually tailored to reflect this individuality.
We all learn differently, which is beautiful. We deserve a space where we feel safe to try new things and experiment, knowing that we will be supported and celebrated as we continue to grow our work, and ourselves.
I welcome you to this community with a big, open heart! I can’t wait to see you soon!
In order to pass on the information and resources I have gathered, learned, created, and curated over a period of more than a decade to other writers - a stockpile that continues to grow daily - I had to figure out how to make this work for everyone's individual needs.
Taking a deep look at myself, my history, my coaching, my courses, my methods, my goals, and the journeys of all the musical theatre writers around me, I began to figure out some patterns that were emerging.
And these patterns could be boiled down into easy-to-digest frameworks that would work for anyone.
Even though every writer and every show does indeed require different skills, paths, and information, I could build something that could help everyone. And it could have enough flexibility to continue growing, evolving, and changing with new information, needs, and new pathways that open up in the industry.
Those old "here's the one way to do it" approaches don't have to be the only option for people anymore.
I have instead created digestible ways for aspiring and emerging musical theatre writers to be able to find and gather what they need, wherever they are in their journeys, and to grow as artists along with their work - in community.
“The environment is as supportive and nurturing as could be.” - Andy Lebon
The 4 Essential Stages
There are 4 essential stages to MTWC musical theatre making process:
Production & Beyond
And all of this - specifically and critically - within a community that can provide understanding, accountability, and support.
Of course, as writers, we need to know how to write.
This includes things like songwriting, book writing, planning techniques, tools for your toolkit, but also things like writing as a career, collaboration, copyright protection, and so much more.
You likely have some of the skills already, but there is plenty more for all of us to learn and go deeper on.
Once we’ve done the initial writing process on any given project, we then have to make it a piece of great quality.
It's great to write a first draft or even a second draft or something, but until the show is actually ready to move into production, we need to go through the process that people like to call “messy middle.”
This is the development stage, and it’s also where we lose a lot of writers. Because when you find yourself in the mire, feeling increasingly unsure, it becomes easy to throw up your hands and give up. Especially if you’re doing it alone.
This is where we get to test things out, keep them or maybe throw them away, rewrite on the structural scale, edit on the micro scale, go through readings and workshops, events, feedback, putting together our packages, submitting for opportunities, and so much more.
Production and Beyond:
Production isn't the only endpoint for a show. Most shows go beyond production and some never get a production, reaching another endpoint instead.
This is the stage that captures most writers and gets them into this whole process with the enticement of production and seeing your visions coming to life onstage.
This stage includes self production, small scale and large scale productions, regional theaters, tour, Off or Off-Off-Broadway, the West End, international productions, and of course, Broadway.
We also need to know what else is beyond the point of production, because most shows don’t end their lives there. Things like publishing, licensing, and how we make money from our shows as they continue on.
Personal growth plays a huge role in Writing, Developing, Producing, your career, your overall journey, and your well-being.
In all of my years working as an artist, with artists, for artists, and coaching writers and musicals along the way, I can tell you that this is the key differentiator.
You are here with reason, purpose, desire, and drive, and we therefore need to be aware of what ‘s happening internally - within your brain, body and mind. Figuring out your “why”s, how to regulate your nervous system, how to create great habits, how to change mindset and find sustainability - these things are crucial.
And this is what separates those who follow through on their dreams from those who don’t, especially since Growth is a life-long endeavor.
Growth in tandem with the other 3 stages is what makes this whole process work.
Being able to work through all 4 stages on any given project is what allows us to go from Overwhelm and a lack of Access to something better.
Because we all could use something better, couldn’t we?
Because here’s what we know:
In order to write musicals and get them onstage, there is a lot of knowledge and tons of skills that you need to have.
Knowing exactly what you need at any given point in your musical’s journey is critical, so you don't get caught in the noise and the overwhelm.
And yet, how are you ever expected to make great musicals that can land on your ideal stage without knowing where you are, what you have, what you still need, and what options are available to you?
Introducing the Musical Theatre Writing Collective:
A powerful membership and community that teaches you the necessary steps and skills of how to begin to write, develop, and produce musical theatre, so that you can make the best decisions for you and your musicals, and be supported every step of the way.
The MTWC is an online (and occasionally hybrid-in-person) experience and international community - stretching across North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia - of musical theatre writers and creators who come together to learn, write, create, develop, and produce their work in tandem with other artists who understand their visions and support their work.
It is an utterly singular community of wonderful people with open hearts and open minds, who regularly practice their craft, lean into growth, provide help and resources to one another, and uplift each other’s work and dreams.
The people in this community are astounding. They are the best people (yes, I’m biased, but still), and it’s because the type of work and dreaming that we all do - that you do - calls to a certain type of wonderful human.
So, why wouldn’t we gather all these people together from across the globe?
“Michael gets all the credit for creating a space where we could all show up as our truest and best selves to learn and grow into a strong community.” - Amy Andrews
Here’s what you’ll find within the membership community:
First and foremost, you will find spaces dedicated to each of the 4 essential stages: Writing, Development, Production & Beyond, and Growth.
Within each of these spaces, there are posts with resources and information that are organized and categorized to make each stage of the musical creation process easier.
Each stage has their own Blueprint framework to help guide you along your journey, figuring out where you are, what you need, what your next steps may be, and to point you there.
The goal here is ease and convenience to save you time, energy, and effort that could be better spent doing your next steps instead of trying to figure them out and find what you’re looking for.
Access and ease, that’s what it’s all about.
My goal is to give anything and everything I possibly can to this community and package it all together. There’s so much I’ve collected over the years, and you should have access to all of it!
Any and all new videos and materials that are created are posted directly into the community, and you get first access.
This includes Motivational Monday and Tip Tuesday posts every week, as well as my longer Friday videos every other week.
This will also include any and all new resources that are being created and curated for the community, which will be a constant.
There are also many other community-specific resources in the membership, such as:
A searchable writer directory
A space to find collaborators
The beginnings of a mentorship program
A space to announce milestones you’ve hit or upcoming things for people to check out
A space for asking questions
A space dedicated to community discussion
As you can see, some of these resources are already touching upon the biggest piece: the community aspect of the experience.
Though we also go far beyond the asynchronous.
One of the parts of the community that moves the needle the most for our members is all of the live events and opportunities we have.
Having face-to-face time with other writers, listening to their work, hearing feedback on their work, providing feedback, receiving your own feedback, analyzing songs and full pieces, getting into discussion, working through blocks together…these things are pure gold.
Because it’s all about that Growth piece, and this is where a lot of the growth occurs - in live community.
Every other week we have Labs, which serve multiple functions.
The main pillar of these Labs is the “Workshop” room where we do shares and feedback on work for those who signed up ahead of time to bring in their writing.
I’ve seen writers successfully use just the feedback they receive in Labs to take their musicals from inception, through writing, and into development. These Labs are powerful.
For these sessions, I facilitate the feedback according to my signature Feedback Process, which centers the writers and their goals while affirming what works so we can better provide critique that is actually useful to the writers.
It’s the same process used in the live courses and private coaching, and it works like magic.
Labs are incredibly powerful resources that have done wonders for many writers in our community!
One of our other most popular regular events is our Reading Series.
Any writer in the MTWC can apply to the Reading Series, and these take place approximately every other month. Though sometimes it has been closer to monthly.
These are opportunities for writers to be provided with a space to hear their work aloud - in whatever stage of Development - so they can take their shows to the next level.
We’ve had everything from cold first readings of shows, to hybrid live staged readings, and everything in between. Truly, whatever stage you’re at, we can make it happen.
Not only are these readings a chance for the writers to hear their work and receive feedback from the community, but they are also an opportunity for community members to hear others’ work, be inspired for their own projects, and practice giving feedback that can help them better understand their own musicals.
And when writers are given a slot in the series, they are also provided with a 1-on-1 preparation session and an individual coaching session to follow the reading. All included in the price of membership - no extra charge.
The Reading Series alone has launched several of our community members’ shows into the next phases of their journeys. It’s like a big ole boost to the next stage of Development.
Every quarter we also do a themed Quarterly Cabaret.
These are opportunities for writers to gather, listen to some new musical theatre, celebrate themselves and one another, and enjoy an evening free of judgment.
These are truly lovely events that tend to bring out the best and the joy in people.
Writers can submit something they’ve already written, or may choose to test out a new collaboration by writing a song specifically for the cabaret.
There are a few new live events we will be adding to the community as well.
We will be hosting occasional community mixers, lovingly calling “Cast Parties,” as a way to meet new faces and enjoy some discussion without work attached.
There will also be specific Q&A sessions with me throughout the year as well, just for members of our community.
There is so much community-driven opportunity and content because it’s precisely what gets this process going for writers and keeps it going sustainably.
The membership community is hosted on Circle and includes a variety of features, resources, and spaces.
There are also additional features and resources specifically for those currently enrolled in courses, like the flagship Musical Theatre Writing Workshop Course.
And one of the best parts? It’s completely accessible online.
Although in-person and hybrid events may spring up or be organized by local members, the community itself is not dependent on any specific geographic location and will always include online and hybrid models whenever possible.
Example view of the member hub on circle
“The environment is as nurturing and supportive as could be. I developed trust and comfort with Michael and my peers very quickly. Therefore, I was able to be vulnerable and accept complements/critique with an open mind.”
All Members have access to:
Spaces dedicated to the essential 4 Stages - Writing, Development, Production & Beyond, and Growth.
The searchable Member Directory and Show Directory.
The Bi-Weekly Labs (more information below).
The Reading Series (more information below)
Themed Quarterly Cabarets every three months.
Discussion space for any and all topics related to musical theatre.
Ask A Question space to utilize the communal knowledge base.
Find A Collaborator space to find that perfect person to fulfill any role on your projects.
The developing Mentorship Program.
Announcement space for anything upcoming that you may want to announce or attend.
All new resources and videos as they are created and curated.
Workshops & Events, including Cast Parties and Q&As.
Courses as they are created.
Anything else our members find they require!
Anyone enrolled in a live course will also have access to:
Chat space for course members.
Recordings of the classes.
Weekly Resources from each class.
A space to upload work for feedback and sharing (class-dependent).
“Lead with Heart, Open Minds, and Unlock One’s Greatest Potential.”
Say more about…
The Bi-Weekly Labs:
Labs take place at a scheduled time every other week via Zoom (the platform may later change) and they offer three standard options:
The Workshop for presentations of work and feedback through our Feedback Process.
The Writer's Room for silent work, accountability, and focus.
The Chat Room as a space to gather and chat with fellow writers, planned or unplanned.
Labs are open to all members, and writers can sign up in advance to share in the Workshop, either in one 25-minute share slot or two consecutive share slots (total 50 minutes).
These slots are for writers to share some work or ideas, and either receive feedback or facilitate discussion.
All other members attending the Workshop are there to listen, provide feedback and support, and can also participate by reading or performing writers’ work.
Labs are currently on an alternating schedule of Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm (US ET) and a different weekday beginning at 12:00pm (US ET) to provide variable time offerings.
The Reading Series:
Members can apply at any time to have a reading done within the Musical Theatre Writing Collective at no extra cost beyond membership.
Readings began in early 2023 and have been taking place monthly or bi-monthly, depending on scheduling and demand for reading slots. All readings can be as casual or professional as the writers require for their current goals with the show, and can be done either fully online or hybrid.
The writers work in conjunction with the MTWC to put the readings together, which includes:
A 1-on-1 Preparation Session in which we talk about the format you want, your goals, and make a plan to make it all happen.
The Reading and Feedback with everyone involved in the reading itself, as well as any Collective members who are in attendance.
A 1-on-1 Post-Reading Feedback Session with Michael to discuss the show more in depth and speak about next steps for the musical.
Readings are open to all members to attend, and writers can apply for a slot by filling out our application form in the online community.
“A community that will grow along with me for the rest of my career” - Sadie Bowman
The Investment
Here how it would all break down:
The Frameworks with guided, at-your-own-pace-and-depth systems and paths built from years of hard-won knowledge, perspective, writing, and coaching - $1,000
Bi-Weekly Labs, even if you attend just 5 throughout the year, knowing there’s $600 value in just attending and personal coaching feedback is usually $150/hour - $750
Reading Series with a space, knowledgeable audience, platform, coaching hour, group feedback, the feedback coaching hour, and the ability to attend others’ readings - $750
Quarterly Cabarets with the space, platform, affirmation, and community - $400
Resources, in just the starting information that’s been created and curated, which will continually growing and evolve - $3,000
Songwriting Video Course and other video course to come - $497
Cast Parties and their community value - $200
Q&A Days, for attending just four in a year - $600
Weekly Video Tips, Insights, Nuggets of Wisdom, and more - $1,000
Community Resources, like finding potential collaborators, announcing your events and shows to a built-in audience, finding and connecting with people both locally and across the world, mentorship or mentee-ship - $400
Your Home and Community of like-minded people with similar passions and experiences, who speak the language of musical theatre, know the struggles, and can be with you and help you along the way - Well, can’t put a price on this piece…
Total = $8,597 in starting value
But not for you! In the continued name of accessibility, your price is…
Regular Member Price:
All of the above for just:
$47 per month or…
$444 per year for the annual upgrade (a 2.5 month saving of $120)
That’s an almost 20x value for the price. Not bad!
But for this initial launch period for the early birds (sign up before June 8th), I am instead dropping that further and offering you the…
Founding Member Price:
Dropping further to only:
$37 per month or…
$344 per year for the annual upgrade (a 4.5 month saving from the original price with the additional $100 off)
I think it’s safe to take it from “not bad” to “okay, that’s actually quite good”!
But of course, there are also Bonuses. Because I want to give you the world!
The first bonus, which I will send out to everyone who joins once the launch has ended after June 14th, is a self-evaluation checklist based on the essential 4 Stages and their Blueprint frameworks that you use for any and all of your musical projects. (Value $30)
Cuz who doesn’t love a checklist that you didn’t have to put together?
The second bonus is for anyone who joins the MTWC before June 13th. You will be automatically entered into a drawing for a free one-hour private writing coaching with yours truly! (Value $150)
The draw for the giveaway will happen at the end of the final week of the launch.
Feeling ready? JOIN TODAY!
“I’m really thrilled that the class is also paired with the Musical Theatre Writing Collective as a community, so that we can continue connecting and supporting each others’ work into the future.”
This is what we want:
To take the stories that you want to tell, spin them into great musicals that people fall in love with, and get them seen, heard, and produced on your biggest ideal stage!
And when you have Access to the resources, guides to help fight the Overwhelm, and the support of a powerful community along the way, the blocks and obstacles simply begin to evaporate.
You can focus on what you want to focus on - learning, creating, writing, being in community with people who understand you, and getting your material actually seen and heard.
This is the dream, and that dream is a reality.
I cannot wait for you to join us inside the Musical Theatre Writing Collective!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to have experience writing musical theatre in order to be a Member?
Nope! If you have an interest in musical theatre writing, learning, the creative process, and/or community, that’s great! Whether you’re new or seasoned, this community is for you.
What if I can’t attend every Lab, Reading, Cabaret or other live event?
Not a problem in the least! You are under no obligation to show up for every - or really any - event. The freedom of choice is yours! Some of the events are recorded and posted, others like the Labs are not. But if you miss one or two, there will always be another around the corner!
Will there be information on how to use the online platform?
Yes! We use Circle for the membership, and everything you need to know to use the platform is built right into the space when you get started. It’s also very easy and intuitive, which is a plus!
Can collaborating directors, designers, dramaturgs, theaters or theater companies join as well?
Surely! If they want to be there with us, they are absolutely welcome!
Will there be more information, resources, opportunities, and events, or is this it?
There will 100% be more to come. The Collective is meant to be a forever community, and this is really just the next phase of a larger venture that will only continue to grow and evolve as the community expands. No question!
Does Circle have an app?
Yep, and it’s great! One of the main reasons I decided to use Circle was because of how robust and functional the website and app both feel.
Why doesn’t the annual price show up when I click to join?
The check-out process is built to start with the monthly price, but on the next page it will give you the option to do an “add-on” and make it annual instead. It’s just a quirk of the system!
What if I can’t afford the listed price?
Full and partial scholarships are available (more below), and we will do our best to figure out what works for you. Education and community are the big goals here, and we can hopefully work something out until you are in a better financial place. Finances should not be a gatekeeper!
It’s your time.
One note about pricing:
It is my personal philosophy that finances should not be a kept gate to education or community. If you are unable to afford the prices listed at this time, there are full and partial scholarships available for annual memberships. You are very welcome in this community, no matter your current financial situation!
Anyone can also help fund scholarships for those who need them by adding to their membership order or clicking the link below. I will match all gifts toward membership scholarships.