How I Wrote a Musical Montage Audiences Love

Michael breaks down into 10 steps the components that led to the creation of an effective musical montage, and audience-favorite song, “Mistress Anne.” Examples from The King’s Legacy world premiere included!

One of my Favorite Writing Books:

The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler:

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And listen to/watch numbers from The King’s Legacy on YouTube starting at:

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TW: @MichaelRadi88

The King's Legacy Production Video Credits:

Book/Music/Lyrics by Michael Radi

Footage from the Premiere Production at the Bristol Valley Theater (Naples, NY)

Artistic Director - Karin Bowersock

Associate Artistic Director - Katelyn Cantu

Direction - Chris J. Handley

Assistant Direction - Kate Rose Reynolds

Musical Direction - Annabelle Revak

Stage Management - Morgan Montgomery

Set Design - Christopher and Justin Swader

Lighting Design - Mary Ellen Stebbins Slutskiy

Costume Design - Sammi Miller

Sound Design - Rich Miller

Property Design - Ammy Roth

Anne Boleyn: Jennifer Arfsten

Henry: Mike Kinzer

Lady 1: Hannah Karpenko

Lady 2: Alex Loucks

Lady 3: Tess Marshall

Filmed by Boris Sapozhnikov 8/31/19 & 9/1/19

Musical Theatre Writer Guy was written and recorded on Munsee Lenape and Canarsie lands.