Do You Hear What I Hear?
/(And don’t worry, I’m not talking about the Christmas song.)
Sound is a very powerful thing. It surrounds us at all times, and yet how often are we paying specific attention to those sounds?
Sound can be music of course, but it can also be created by a billion other things:
Objects (doors closing, printers printing, squeaky floors, keyboard clicks, etc.)
People (unintelligible chatter, direct conversation, whispering, yelling, sneezing, etc.)
Actions (vehicles on the road, steam from a radiator, glass breaking, etc.)
Reactions (fires crackling, the frying of an egg, stomachs digesting food, etc.)
And more
And because of this pervasiveness of sound in our lives and its ability to recall in us specific thoughts, images, and emotions, sound is an excellent way to create an environment and to tell a story.
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